Homecoming Court 2013: Brandon Truong
Interview by Kelsey Wong
Q: How do you feel about being part of Homecoming Court?
A: I feel extremely honored that the school would choose me to be on court. I didn’t expect them to choose me! I’m really happy.
Q: What is your definition of a Homecoming King?
A: A Homecoming King should be someone who’s well-rounded. It should be someone that can appeal to a large majority of the school…someone’s who relatable.
Q: Why did you apply for Homecoming Court?
A: I actually have a chance at becoming Homecoming King, so I should I might as well go all the way.
Q: Tell us something embarrassing about yourself.
A: When I get stressed out, I talk to myself.
Q: Anything else you would like to say?
A: I want to wish the other contestants good luck and I hope that when people vote, they don’t determine their vote based on looks or because they think someone is cool, but based on who they think represents the school well and appeals to the majority of the student body.